Orca Attacks Yacht near Scotland - 1st such incident in northern waters

 An orca attacked a yacht near Scotland on Monday, June 20, 2023.

This is the first such incident in northern waters. The sailor, a retired Dutch physicist named Dr. Wim Rutten, was sailing solo from Lerwick to Bergen, Norway, when he was attacked.

Rutten said he was fishing for mackerel off the back of the boat when he saw the orca through the clear water. The mammal swam up to the boat and started ramming the stern. Rutten said the orca hit the boat so hard that it created "soft shocks" through the aluminum hull.

The attack lasted for about 10 minutes, and Rutten said he was "very frightened" by the experience. He said the orca's breathing was "very loud," and he was worried that the animal might try to flip the boat over.


Fortunately, the orca eventually swam away, and Rutten was able to continue his journey without further incident. He said he was " relieved" to be safe, but he was also "puzzled" by the attack.

Scientists are not sure why the orca attacked the yacht. Some believe that it may have been a case of mistaken identity, and that the orca thought the boat was a seal. Others believe that the orca may have been trying to protect its young.

Whatever the reason, the attack is a reminder that orcas are wild animals, and they should be treated with caution. If you are ever in the vicinity of an orca, it is important to stay calm and avoid making any sudden movements.

This is the first reported incident of an orca attacking a yacht in northern waters, but it is not the first time that orcas have been aggressive towards boats. In recent years, there have been a number of incidents in the Strait of Gibraltar and Portugal, where orcas have repeatedly rammed boats and even sunk some of them.

The reasons for these attacks are not fully understood, but some scientists believe that they may be related to a decline in the availability of food for orcas in these areas. Others believe that the attacks may be a form of play behavior.

Whatever the reason, the attacks are a reminder that orcas are powerful and unpredictable animals, and they should be treated with respect.


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